The Fiat of Mary and How It Proceeded Salvation through Jesus

aspects, the fiat was serving the much-awaited Hope that the world has waited for so long since Adam and Eve. Through Mary’s love of God and her indisputable Faith to Him, she was serving the human race with the same faith, hope, and love that generates forth the Gospels. It is in the same Gospels that we have continued to believe in and revered the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who is Christ the Lord.

The Glorious Promise of Salvation in Mary’s Assumption to Heaven

While we are not deserving of the glorious assumption that the Mother of our Lord has enjoyed, we deserve to follow Mary’s example of virtue, obedience, and patience in her suffering alongside our Lord Jesus Christ. It may not be a promise but, as what the Blessed Virgin had promised Saint Bernadette in Lourdes, we can only have happiness in the next life and not in this one.

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Christian Life is a Santacruzan: A Reflection on the Culmination of Flores de Mayo 2021

Throughout the process, we are all taught everything that is good. Although we have our ups and downs in our journey towards achieving a fully Christian existence, we are all given the opportunity to learn everything we could to exist to our fullest potentials. Guided by the virtues of the Christian faith, we are toiled by the magisterium of the Church to make us the closest emulator of Christ here on earth.

The Holy Spirit to the Modern World: A Pentecost Sunday Reflection

In modern day Christian faith, what is the essence of Christianity in the lives of the faithful? For those who haven’t realized Christ in their lives, what can Pentecost Sunday bring them as an invitation to accept Christ in their lives? How does the Holy Spirit work to both Catholics, non-Catholics, and non-believers alike?

You can listen to our Pentecost podcast by clicking on “Read More”

Why Should You Pray the Rosary?

This devotion has become the stronghold of the faithful that kept them abreast to the theological virtues of the Church. The Rosary beads provide exemplary glimpses of the lives of Jesus and Mary. The flow of the devotion gives us a glimpse of the triumph we can all share as Christians in life, as much as it is after. Thus, the doctrines and authorities of the Church continuously promote this devotion to humankind, more so with the baptized faithful endowed to receive this unique grace from God through His beloved servant, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Flowers of May: The Call to Renewal

The month of May is dedicated to the Holy Mother of God. While several cultures are celebrating the spring festivals, the Catholic world celebrates this month with a different blossom – the flowers of the Catholic magisterium and doctrines, beginning with the most basic knowledge up to the lives of saints, the wonders of CatholicContinue reading “Flowers of May: The Call to Renewal”

Christ Lives Eternally: Easter Sunday Reflection

Hallelujah! The Lord has risen. The Lord is triumphant. The Lord lives eternally. On the morning of the third day, the disciples of our Lord came to the tomb to fulfill the last rituals of the burial. Yet, they would never expect what happened next. The stone door was rolled aside and the tomb leftContinue reading “Christ Lives Eternally: Easter Sunday Reflection”

The Beginning of Lent: Ash Wednesday

Another season has just begun in the liturgies of the Holy Mother Church. After a brief season of joy, celebration, and life, now it’s time to reflect upon the meaning of one’s existence as a Catholic and Christian. Today’s beginning isn’t one of the most celebrated in the Church calendar, but it is one ofContinue reading “The Beginning of Lent: Ash Wednesday”

Christus Regnat: Solemnity of Jesus, King of the Universe

Today, the universal Church celebrates the triumph of our God who is King of kings and Lord of lords. It is appropriate that the end of one liturgical calendar remembers the kingship of Jesus, not just in Heaven but also here on earth. Before we dive into the theologies behind the celebration, it is appropriateContinue reading “Christus Regnat: Solemnity of Jesus, King of the Universe”

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